citysound of the underground

November 8th, 2009


transforming the subway system of vienna to a symphony, by using details as duration of train times, the geographical positions of the stations, opening and closing times of the train traffic and several other parameters as a blueprint for sound-editing. the footage was recorded at the different stations in vienna, though letting the listener travel on the soundwaves of the public transport system through the capital of austria.


November 8th, 2009

salt and water are essential elements. they are essential to the human body in order to survive, but at the wrong dosage, they can be toxic too. hence these two forms are completely different in their perception, they still even appear together in nature in a combined form. besides their meaning for the forming of early life, have these elements formed our culture since the beginning, being reasons for wars and treats between nations until today.
combining salt and water to form something new and still producing a facsimile on their cultural influence and relevance is the underlying meaning of this video animation. by creating a solid board made out of salt and dissolving it again with water, the live footage for the animation was created. this footage was then digitized and overworked to produce the desired result as seen in the animation. the sound was taken from the footage to, being actually the sound of dropping water, now transformed into something between guttering water and pouring salt.
by collecting the watered salt and making a board out of it again, the process can be recreated almost to infinity, still producing on the first sight a similar but actually a different outcome each time.

open_art:objekt 01

November 8th, 2009

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the velocity of new categories in the fields of art increases with every second. since long do the antique forms of public representation fall back, galleries, museums and other institutions deliver no adequate form of viewing works in real space, hence most of this works were developed and happen in virtual spaces. the “open_Art” project gives a possible solution to this problem. using computers and wlan networks as a medium to transport digital produced art to any visitor of a gallery or museum, by giving them the place in the real space, former occupied by pictures, scluptures or other traditional exposés, allowing the viewer full access with his personal computer or at several docking stations. this allows these antiquated institutions to follow up with the speed of the changing time and still leaving the visitor in the experience of witnessing art in a traditional surrounding.


November 8th, 2009



film noir takes us into a realistic world in abstract moving pictures. it doesn’t feed us with heroic hollywood like heroes, the characters won’t fit into the familiar categories of good or evil, so is the duality of the visual image. in harsh black and white tones interluded by the shades of grey we see the extreme divergencies of the morality in a visual form. in the world of computer games seldomly exists such a break in the character of the avatars we take control over. “Schattenjagd” as a small adventure game gives you a hint of the feeling of beeing on both sides of the coin as we are always in everyday life. there is no good or evil just the shades of grey.
the concept of the game was developed as a short comics strip, you will find more about the idea and the making of the game here. the site is in german but you can download the game there either in an english or german version.